The Wonder Challenge

Wonder Workshop’s Home Learning Toolkits

Guest Post – Using Dash, Dot and Cue Across All Curricular Areas

Webinar – Inspiring STEM Learning for Young Girls: Tips from Research and the Classroom

Why are women underrepresented in fields like computer science and engineering? When (and how) should educators focus on piquing the interest of girls in these fields? These are the questions that educator Kim Collazo and researcher Amanda Sullivan have dedicated their careers to answering. Register for Wonder Workshop’s upcoming webinar to hear how two women […]
The Adventures of the Code Crackers – 2018 Wonder League Robotics Competition Winners

Acer and Microsoft Sponsor the Wonder League Robotics Competition

New Game Design Unit for Cue’s Applied Robotics Curriculum!

20+ Winter WONDER-volle activiteiten voor Dash, Dot, & Cue

Who Doesn’t Like a Thanksgiving Day Parade?

Dansen met de robots videowedstrijd