Selecting the Best Robot for Young Learners: Dash vs. Makeblock mBot2 Comparison

Educational robots have become a powerful way not only to introduce kids to coding and STEM concepts, but also to inspire them to invent the future.  Sorting through the many different options to find the best fit, however, is a real challenge all its own.  Wonder Workshop’s Dash and Makeblock’s mBot2 are two standout robots […]

Selecting the Best Robot for Young Learners: Dash vs. Miko 3 Comparison

A good STEM robot does more than introduce kids to technology—it equips them with the critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity skills they need to succeed in a constantly changing world.  There are plenty of robots on the market, which is fantastic—it means more people are recognizing their value. But with so many options, it can […]



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