Programmed for Friendship: Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Dash

Make collaboration, kindness, and coding the heart of your Valentine’s Day celebration! Downloadable Dash Valentines Print out a special set of Dash-themed valentines for students to share with their classmates.  You could even turn valentine delivery into a coding challenge. Suit up Dash with a DIY Gripper or Bulldozer attachment, and have students code Dash […]

8 Ways to Fall in Love with Dash (Again!)

Wonder Workshop’s Robots — Programmed With Love Can you feel the love in the air? ’Tis the season! And robots are definitely worthy of love, too. Here are some fun Valentine’s Day activities for your classroom. Turn your STEM efforts into STEAM by trying some of these crafty, “A”rtsy ideas. Open yourself to love: Use cardboard […]



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