Programmed for Friendship: Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Dash

Make collaboration, kindness, and coding the heart of your Valentine’s Day celebration! Downloadable Dash Valentines Print out a special set of Dash-themed valentines for students to share with their classmates.  You could even turn valentine delivery into a coding challenge. Suit up Dash with a DIY Gripper or Bulldozer attachment, and have students code Dash […]

Dash into Holiday Joy: Easy Tips for Unboxing and Getting Started

Wrapping paper is flying, eyes are sparkling, and excited laughter lights up the room as your child finally meets Dash! Christmas morning is all about magic, and with Dash you can skip the stressful setup so your child can dive right into their coding adventure. We want to make it easy for you to focus […]

Program Dash to Draw a Tree

Help Dash Draw the Shape of a Christmas Tree For this activity, you can either use the  Sketch Kit accessory with Dash or you can fashion your own harnass for a magic marker and get drawing. The downloadable PDF includes a link to a video of Dash drawing the tree as well as a Blockly […]

Dash and Launcher Giveaway

Assign a Coding Pathway in Make Wonder and Enter to Win! To shine a spotlight on an exciting feature of Make Wonder, we’re awarding a free Dash + Launcher Accessory to one lucky educator, picked randomly from all who assign a Coding Pathway between Nov. 15 and  December 15, 2024. (Free Tier users, there’s a […]

Spooky STEM Activity Roundup

Fall Coding Activities with Dash No tricks, just treats: invite creativity, collaboration, and coding into your classroom with these spook-tacular activity ideas! Got an idea to share? Post it on social media and tag us @wonderworkshop! Spooky Challenge Cards In these Challenge Cards, students will code solutions to help Dash escape from a scary castle, […]

Happy 11th Birthday to Dash

To celebrate Dash’s birthday this year, we’ve created an activity packet to use at home or at school. It includes tons of ideas for hosting a robot party! Your favorite games, like Red Rover, Red Rover and Hot Potato are reimagined with coding and Dash robots. Download the packet to plan your robot party today! […]

New Make Wonder Feature: Classroom Codes

We are excited to announce a new feature for the 2024-25 school year – Classroom Codes. Classroom Codes simplify the Blockly login process for students by providing them with a Code that will take them directly to a listing of profiles inside of Blockly that correspond to their specific classroom, rather than all students in […]

Dash’s Obstacle Course: Numbers Game

Program Dash to navigate around the numbers! What You’ll Need Dash Set up Time 10 minutes Supplies Paper or card stock Markers Tape Mission: Dash is a number master! Use Blockly to teach your robot to count forwards, backwards, and everything in between! Setup: Grab your art supplies and create some flash cards with numbers […]

Make It A Summer of Wonder

Summer is just about here, but that’s no reason for the STEM learning to come to a halt. These activity packets are designed to engage students in critical and creative thinking, all summer long, even if they don’t own a Dash robot. That’s why we’ve included offline activities and summer reading recommendations in addition to […]

Lessons to Explore Eclipses with Dash

Help students understand the difference between a solar and lunar eclipse with this activity with Dash! What is the difference between a solar and lunar eclipse?  A solar eclipse is when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow on Earth. This occurs during the day, darkening the sky as the […]



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