Programmed for Friendship: Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Dash

Make collaboration, kindness, and coding the heart of your Valentine’s Day celebration! Downloadable Dash Valentines Print out a special set of Dash-themed valentines for students to share with their classmates.  You could even turn valentine delivery into a coding challenge. Suit up Dash with a DIY Gripper or Bulldozer attachment, and have students code Dash […]

Hands-on Lessons and Skills for WLRC Mission Readiness

Whether or not your team submits mission evidence, the Wonder League Robotics Competition (WLRC) is a rich source of curriculum that combines coding, creativity, and critical thinking. By using WLRC missions in the classroom, students can gain hands-on learning experience that builds essential STEAM skills. There are two foundational skills emphasized in WLRC that transfer […]

Wonder League Robotics Competition: Myths, Facts, and Tips for Success

The new year provides an ideal opportunity to shake up routines with fresh new ideas and exciting challenges! Enter: the Wonder League Robotics Competition (WLRC), which offers a creative way to bring coding and collaboration into your classroom, home, or after-school club. As long as you register by February 14, 2025, you’ll be able to […]

Ponad 20 zimowych wspaniałych aktywności dla Dasha

Coding in a Winter Wonderland There are many ways to reinforce physical coding and applied robotics during this holiday season. You can use these winter wonderland ideas as morning warm-ups or for Friday free time, or you can create rotation stations to tackle them all at once during a classroom celebration. Pick and choose your […]

Program Dash to Draw a Tree

Help Dash Draw the Shape of a Christmas Tree For this activity, you can either use the  Sketch Kit accessory with Dash or you can fashion your own harnass for a magic marker and get drawing. The downloadable PDF includes a link to a video of Dash drawing the tree as well as a Blockly […]

Dash and Launcher Giveaway

Assign a Coding Pathway in Make Wonder and Enter to Win! To shine a spotlight on an exciting feature of Make Wonder, we’re awarding a free Dash + Launcher Accessory to one lucky educator, picked randomly from all who assign a Coding Pathway between Nov. 15 and  December 15, 2024. (Free Tier users, there’s a […]

Using Blockly with K-1st Grade Students

Innovation Starts Early The earlier that students dive into computational thinking and computer science, the more likely they’ll grow into the problem-solvers and innovators of tomorrow. As a teacher, I know that Blockly can seem challenging for young kids, especially since it looks like it requires strong reading skills. But don’t worry—there are so many […]

Spooky STEM Activity Roundup

Fall Coding Activities with Dash No tricks, just treats: invite creativity, collaboration, and coding into your classroom with these spook-tacular activity ideas! Got an idea to share? Post it on social media and tag us @wonderworkshop! Spooky Challenge Cards In these Challenge Cards, students will code solutions to help Dash escape from a scary castle, […]

Happy 11th Birthday to Dash

To celebrate Dash’s birthday this year, we’ve created an activity packet to use at home or at school. It includes tons of ideas for hosting a robot party! Your favorite games, like Red Rover, Red Rover and Hot Potato are reimagined with coding and Dash robots. Download the packet to plan your robot party today! […]

New Make Wonder Feature: Classroom Codes

We are excited to announce a new feature for the 2024-25 school year – Classroom Codes. Classroom Codes simplify the Blockly login process for students by providing them with a Code that will take them directly to a listing of profiles inside of Blockly that correspond to their specific classroom, rather than all students in […]



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