Programmed for Friendship: Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Dash

Make collaboration, kindness, and coding the heart of your Valentine’s Day celebration! Downloadable Dash Valentines Print out a special set of Dash-themed valentines for students to share with their classmates. You could even turn valentine delivery into a coding challenge. Suit up Dash with a DIY Gripper or Bulldozer attachment, and have students code Dash […]
Hands-on Lessons and Skills for WLRC Mission Readiness

Whether or not your team submits mission evidence, the Wonder League Robotics Competition (WLRC) is a rich source of curriculum that combines coding, creativity, and critical thinking. By using WLRC missions in the classroom, students can gain hands-on learning experience that builds essential STEAM skills. There are two foundational skills emphasized in WLRC that transfer […]
Wonder League Robotics Competition: Myths, Facts, and Tips for Success

The new year provides an ideal opportunity to shake up routines with fresh new ideas and exciting challenges! Enter: the Wonder League Robotics Competition (WLRC), which offers a creative way to bring coding and collaboration into your classroom, home, or after-school club. As long as you register by February 14, 2025, you’ll be able to […]
Selecting the Best Robot for Young Learners: Dash vs. Makeblock mBot2 Comparison

Educational robots have become a powerful way not only to introduce kids to coding and STEM concepts, but also to inspire them to invent the future. Sorting through the many different options to find the best fit, however, is a real challenge all its own. Wonder Workshop’s Dash and Makeblock’s mBot2 are two standout robots […]
20+ Actividades de inverno MARAVILHOSAS para o Dash

Coding in a Winter Wonderland There are many ways to reinforce physical coding and applied robotics during this holiday season. You can use these winter wonderland ideas as morning warm-ups or for Friday free time, or you can create rotation stations to tackle them all at once during a classroom celebration. Pick and choose your […]
Selecting the Best Robot for Young Learners: Dash vs. Miko 3 Comparison

A good STEM robot does more than introduce kids to technology—it equips them with the critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity skills they need to succeed in a constantly changing world. There are plenty of robots on the market, which is fantastic—it means more people are recognizing their value. But with so many options, it can […]
10 Inspiring Books Celebrating Native American Heritage in STEM

In honor of Native American Heritage Month, we are highlighting children’s and YA books that celebrate the vital contributions of Native American innovators in science, technology, engineering, and math. These stories of resilience and ingenuity showcase how Native leaders in STEM have shaped the past and continue to tackle today’s challenges, inspiring young readers to […]
Program Dash to Draw a Tree

Help Dash Draw the Shape of a Christmas Tree For this activity, you can either use the Sketch Kit accessory with Dash or you can fashion your own harnass for a magic marker and get drawing. The downloadable PDF includes a link to a video of Dash drawing the tree as well as a Blockly […]
Dash and Launcher Giveaway

Assign a Coding Pathway in Make Wonder and Enter to Win! To shine a spotlight on an exciting feature of Make Wonder, we’re awarding a free Dash + Launcher Accessory to one lucky educator, picked randomly from all who assign a Coding Pathway between Nov. 15 and December 15, 2024. (Free Tier users, there’s a […]
Gear up for the Wonder League Robotics Competition with Free Missions and Insider Tips

Year 10 of the Wonder League Robotics Competition is Underway! Here’s everything you need to know to round up a team, jump in and compete! This year, teams help Dash travel through different time, solving real-world problems with creative coding solutions. All four missions have now launched, and there’s still plenty of time to jump […]