Ideas for Creating a Wonder League Robotics Competition Mat

Buy It, Print It, Make It! It’s time to get those mats ready for the big day so that the teams can dive right in. In order to set the stage for all three missions, your teams will need a 5 x 8 square grid Wonder League mat with the following specifications: sized 150 cm […]
20+ Actividades de invierno WONDER-ful para Dash

Hay muchas maneras de reforzar la codificación física y la robótica aplicada durante estas fiestas. Puedes utilizar estas ideas del país de las maravillas invernal como calentamiento matutino o para el tiempo libre de los viernes, o puedes crear estaciones de rotación para abordarlas todas a la vez durante una celebración en el aula. Elige y [...]
Earth Day 2022 …

Awards That Will Surely Inspire Future Teams and Creators of Tomorrow

5 Different Resources to Help Kids Learn to Code

The Wonder League Robotics Competition: Year 6’s Winners and Top Teams

Young Developers: Fun Ways to Teach Children to Code

Code the ABCs and the 123s with Dash

Wonder Leaguers Conquer More Than Just the Pandemic

Which are the most popular programming languages?